Guru {Teacher}


We are here because of our mother, 

And survive due to our father. 

But , something there gives us a meaning, 

Who works all nights and days, for our mind’s cleaning. 

You are born and will survive, 

But, something gives you money to thrive. 

What is that something? Have you ever thought? 

It’s not an apple to be plucked and not a mango to be bought. 

Getting it is not so easy, 

But, with guidance and excellence is feasy. 

Education is the thing from which we enlighten, 

Which opens the door and make us brighten. 

But, education is not so easy to acquire, 

I needs a pusher, it needs a boost-fire. 

The helper is not a brain-screecher, 

Or an unwanted creature. 

He or She is a helper, 

He or She is a teacher! 



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