Orange: Colour or Fruit

Orange : Colour Or Fruit

 It is made from colour yellow and red,

Also found in some flowers and weed.

It can also be spun into a thread,

It is also a fruit to feed.

The colour is light not dark,

If the fruit is rotten, it wilk stagnant.

Eat it without salting and spit it's seeds in lark,

Be careful, it doesn't spoil your pair of pant.

When you paint a scenery you use it to paint sun,T

he colour is very popular, as we enjoy under it on a beach and have fun.

We eat it almost everyday,

It ensures the citric deficiency to be done.

It is used in dresses and suits orangish - gay.

Navel, blood, Cara-Cara, Valencia and Tangerine,

All are types of orange with a leaf green.

Ginger, Apricot, Tangerine and further,

Are types of orange, which is a colour.



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