Droplets of Peace And Harmony

Droplets Of Peace And Harmony

 Droplets of love and care,

With the molecules of honesty and game fair,

All mix up in an ocean of humanity and care.

The land is the place except ocean,

Where are lots of sadness and cruelty's  fern.

It 's all connected by nature,

But, still is seperated by human creature,

at least ocean doesn't have this theatre.

Everyone  lives there with peace and harmony.

Focusing on their present and not their destiny.

Because, on land human's destroy many things for their desires, and perform wars or mutiny,

Oceans are full of love and care,

With peace and harmony's company.

Lets sink in the ocean of love and care.

And follow the path of peace using the ocean's stair.

Love and peace needs no fare,

Just, the neatness of everyone 's mind and needy's care.



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