The poor girl who can't take rest!

 The poor girl who can't take rest!

There was a girl, her hair were very curl.

Once she wanted to rest , Then her father said 

 " No need of rest, just study and give your test, "

She did.

After studying she asked she requested rest, Her father again said

 "No need of rest , just loose your weight and tighten your vest and get married so that you can clear up the burden on my chest,"

 She did.

After getting married she again requested rest, Her father again said ,

 " No need of rest, just show the face of my grandchildren, so, that I can take rest, "

She did.

After giving birth to children she again requested rest, Now her husband said

 " No need of rest, just care the children and make them study so, that I can take their test, "

She did.

After caring children she again begged rest , her husband said

"No need of rest just save money for children marriages and tighten your vest. "

She did.

After children marriages and children of her children she was crawling for rest,

Now her daughter-in-law said " Can you handle the children, Momma, I'm going to work and make them study ,so, I can take their test,"

She did.

After her grandchildren got adult, she again requested rest,

Now god listened to her and gave a her,

A heart attack that broke her chest,

After reaching heaven ,

She was in queue of taking rest,

God called her and said,

"No need of rest, you did nothing in your human life, I'll re-incarnate you and consider his as my test,"

At last, she forgot to take rest!

- Translated by ADS

Writer- Unknown

Source- Message


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