The Middle One

The Middle One

 An average student is an organism,

That is stuck in the fight of first and last benchers

and teaching them communism.

Average student neither fails nor passes,

Just, studies to become a topper and fails to demote classes.

Average student cannot become whatever he wants to,

Just he gets stuck in the doctorates and degrees and copies of professions that others do.

But, when we compare an average student with a bright student,

A bright student is more confident, than an average student.

A bright one lent some investment of his/her time prioirly,

and launches him/her-self higher and glows a success's water lily.

Whereas an average student cannot do this,

Firstly, he/she is not confident, and frightens of the report card her/his.

According to me, everyone brightens someday,

We should work hard and not wait for that date and lay,

Excellence and hardwork are the only fees you have to pay.

And once you are successful, an average or a bright one,

don't think you are the only one,

Continue learning, because, knowledge is abundant like a tonne.



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