Small lessons we learn

Small Lessons we learn...

 I was riding with my brother,

In the unknown alleys which were only unknown for me and my mother.

The alleys with open drains,

People sitting on verandas and  talking of their strains and pains,

Spider nets joining two houses,

Which are always neglected in the cleaning by spouses.

Children were playing in different attires ,

Grandma's saking their  limbs on fires,

And gossiping about their life liers .

We were riding on black alleys full of wires and cables,

No houses but, one dim light and horse stables.

Only my brother knew the alleys,

Because , he was the only one who danced Bailey in all alleys.

I learnt from the ride, small thing but important

Everyone needs experience,

Either a shopman or a tailor making pant, 

"Because experience is the lens , which makes correction in the world's sense."



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