Just Hardwork

Just Hardwork!

 You cannot do this, You cannot do that,

Fatty is growing more fat,

He just sit, sits and sat,

He only plays with his cat.

His height is short,

His width is a lot,

Because, he eats a lot,

And looks like a pot.

But, one night he saw a dream,

Nit of cake, pizza or a cake full of cream,

But of a scream 

Of his body.

His stomach screamed,

 "Why you eat so much of cream?"

 His brain screamed

 "Why you dream so much of cream?"

 Now, fatty promised neither to eat,

Nor to dream, but, the rule is you have to not to cheat.

Fatty started running,

He wanted to look stunning.

He played football, basketball and volleyball,

He grew a little tall.

He lose some weight,

Both were happy that day he and his fate.

He continued the same, 

He burnt his calories in his sweat fame,

I don't know his name.

But, he can be you,

It is not so easy if you're planning to do.



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